Kit Assembly Instructions

Assembly Instructions for the O₃ Cobra Bag

Assembly Instructions for the O₃ Cobra Bag

The instructions below will help you with the correct assembly of the O₃ Cobra Bag Kit for optimum performance. Step 1: Attach the Base Connector to the OctaBase The first step is to...

Assembly Instructions for the O₃ Cobra Bag

The instructions below will help you with the correct assembly of the O₃ Cobra Bag Kit for optimum performance. Step 1: Attach the Base Connector to the OctaBase The first step is to...

Assembly Instructions for the KS3 Freestanding Cobra Bag Kit

Assembly Instructions for the KS3 Freestanding ...

The assembly instructions below will help you to correctly set up the KS3 Cobra Bag Freestanding Kit. Step 1: Assemble the Paddles with the Base Connector The first step is...

Assembly Instructions for the KS3 Freestanding ...

The assembly instructions below will help you to correctly set up the KS3 Cobra Bag Freestanding Kit. Step 1: Assemble the Paddles with the Base Connector The first step is...