Kewlus PVC Pipe Cobra Bag
The Kewlus PVC Pipe Cobra bag is a Semi-DIY cobra bag, which is extremely easy to make, but makes for one hell of a fast action cobra bag! The key advantages of this cobra bag are:
- low cost;
- easy to make;
- very fast, with speed adjustment;
- custom height with height adjustment - great for tall people over 6 feet tall;
- low cost maintenance ($5 to replace the PVC pipe)
If you already own the Kewlus Cobra Bag Kit, then it's just a simple conversion as shown in the video. If not, see the items you'll need below, and also make sure to check out the DIY for a PVC Pipe Cobra Bag That Never Needs Pumping.
Items You Will Need
Key Items:
- Standard 3/4 inch PVC pipe (outer diameter 1.05inches or 26.7mm). For a 6 feet tall person, you'll need roughly 4.5 feet long pipe. You can buy it from your local hardware store for roughly $5.
- Kewlus Multibase
- Kewlus Click Mast
- Kewlus Bag Adapter
- Kewlus Cobra Bag Ball
- Duct tape
Base Options:
- Baseboard & Sandbags (or weights) or Kewlus Paddles and Sandbags or Suction Cups (for use on painted garage floor)
- Get all the items that you'll need. For the 3/4 inch PVC pipe, make sure the pipe that you buy is the right outer diameter (1.05 inches or 26.7mm). Sometimes they are not quite the standard size, so once you have your Kewlus components, take the Ball Adapter to the hardware store so you can check that it fits.
- Set up your Kewlus Multi Base by referring to the How to Make a Baseboard page
- Install the Kewlus Ball Adapter into the Kewlus Cobra Ball or tape the Adapter to a small sized soccer ball or similar. The heavier the ball, the slower the action.
- Cut the PVC pipe to suit your height. I'm 6 feet tall and the PVC pipe I used in the video is 4.5 feet long.
- Insert the PVC pipe into the Click Mast and tape it in place.
- Mount the adapter onto the top of the PVC pipe and tape it in place.
Optional Enhancements
- Drill an 8mm hole through each end of the PVC pipe - roughly 2.5 inches from the end. Insert 8mm push buttons into the holes. This will give you height adjustment and no need for using duct tape.
- Paint the PVC pipe your favourite colour. The paint will protect the PVC pipe from UV corrosion and extend the life of the pipe.
- If you're a tall person over 6 foot, and want the cobra bag to be tall but also fast, then insert a length of 1/2 inch PVC pipe into the 3/4 PVC pipe. This will stiffen the bottom of the 3/4 inch pipe to make it oscillate faster. If you don't want it rattling, wrap some tape around each end of the 1/2 inch pipe to fill the gap. Try different lengths for your internal pipe to get the right speed.