Q: How can I contact someone?
A: The best way to get help is to send an email to help@kewlus.com.

Q: Where can I find instructions?
A: Detailed assembly instructions for the kits can be found in the Kit Assembly Instructions section here: https://kewlus.com/blogs/instructions. More advanced information for optimisation and customisation can be found in the DIY & Mods section here: https://kewlus.com/blogs/diy.

Q: Where can I find your shipping info?
A: For up-to-date information on Shipping including delivery times please visit https://kewlus.com/pages/shipping.

Q: What is your Warranty & Refund Policy?
A: Items you purchase from the Kewlus store come with a 2 months faulty component replacement warranty. Additionally, if any component breaks after the warranty period, you can request a replacement of that component at a 50% discount - that's for life! Replacements or refunds are only offered if a components or product is faulty or defective. If you have an issue with a product please contact help@kewlus.com with your order details and the issue that you're facing. For more details please see the Kewlus Warranty & Refunds Policy: https://kewlus.com/pages/warranty-refund-policy.